Circular frameworks for sustainable business

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This paper presents two innovative circular frameworks for sustainable businesses. The frameworks were developed and first published by Dr. Anna Brismar in 2014 (on Green Strategy’s website). Yet they are still as relevant and useful for companies and experts today, if not more. The purpose of the frameworks is to support and facilitate a more circular mindset for businesses, in particular for fashion and apparel companies. More specifically, the paper provides two unique concepts in the form of two illustrative images and associated sets of key questions.

The first concept is called “A Seven Step Guide to A Circular Mindset”, and contains seven key questions to help companies better understand and address circularity of material flows in their business models. This image shows how ‘circularity’ is not simply about ‘closing the loop’, but also entails giving due recognition – and full consideration – to these seven key questions, which are directly connected to the loop. By considering these questions, companies are better equipped to address “circular flows” in both planning and operation. ‘Sustainable business’ today is not simply about preventing, minimizing or mitigating negative impacts of a company’s operations, but also about addressing the essential aspects of circularity, as part of the new global ‘circular economy agenda’.

The second concept is referred to as “A Circular Compass for the Apparel Industry”, and builds on the fundamental principles of a circular economy as defined by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Brismar, however, goes one step further by dividing these principles into twelve focal points, which are phrased as questions and arranged logically along a circular timeline (from 1 to 12). The image thus resembles a clock with 12 hours, and also mirrors the standard lifecycle of a product (from design, manufacturing and use to recycling). By addressing these twelve focal points and their key questions, preferably in the order given, companies may more effectively understand and adopt the essence of a fully circular approach to business.

Practical information

  • Length: 5 pages
  • Published: 2014
  • Author: Dr. Anna Brismar
  • Copyright: Green Strategy Sweden

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